Archive for May, 2019

Traveller day

Posted in Boardgames, Computer games, Elite Dangerous, Films and TV, Other vector movemet systems, Traveller, Vector movement on May 1, 2019 by Anders Backman


Today is Traveller day.
Just read what’s written on the box and you’ll get it.

Traveller was the first science fiction rpg ever published, it came out the same year as Star Wars but before the movie was released, a happy coincidence. Traveller was a strong influence for the Elite computers games as well as the Firefly and Expanse TV series, Traveller has also influenced Intercept which of course is eminently usable as a space combat system for the Traveller rpg.

Oh, and Traveller used vector movement for its starships instead of some lame-ass Trek thing…

Marc Miller, the creator of the game just started a Kickstarter for his new edition of Traveller today: